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Můžete si stáhnout externí ASS titulky a použít video například z horriblesubs.info nebo zde: Boruto 53, Horrible subs.  --- ### Important * First and foremost this release could not have been made possible without the help of people like [Mr. This time, Brian takes dubs to task! Or rather, he mulls over the lukewarm reception of Naruto Shippuden on Disney XD, the swath of "parody" dubs, and fansubs as a response to "bad dubbing"? Horriblesubs Codec /ag/ Anime General v5 - "/t/ - Torrents" is 4chan's imageboard for posting links and descriptions to torrents. Since Horrible Subs is built around high-speed magnet links so it is considered as the top most choice for NYAA alternative by disappointed NYAA torrent users.
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